Saturday, February 04, 2006

An American who sent a message in a bottle across the Atlantic has been "told off" by a Briton for littering.Captain Harvey Bennett, of Napeague in Long Island's Hamptons resort, launched five plastic bottles into the ocean last August.
Last week, one of them returned in the post with a letter telling him off for throwing rubbish into the sea.
His bottle had been picked up by Henry Bigglesworth, from Bournemouth in Dorset, southern England, according to the East Hampton Star newspaper.
He said he had found the bottle on the beach at Poole Harbour and was not impressed.
"You Americans don't seem to be happy unless you are mucking about somewhere," he wrote.
The letter began "Dear 'Captain Bennett'" and continued: "I recently found your bottle while taking a scenic walk on the beach by Poole Harbour.
"While you may consider this some profound experiment on the path and speed of oceanic currents, I have another name for it, litter."
Capt Bennett, 55, who owns a tackle shop, said he was somewhat taken aback.
He said: "I kind of felt like no good deed goes unpunished."
Capt Bennett said he thought the recent hurricanes had helped the bottle on its 3,000-mile transatlantic journey.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

As the Great Jerry Lee Lewis once said...

"England can Kiss My Ass"

An American...

9:14 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a well thought out reply from an American.

Please look deep into your history before making such meaningless comments.

Who cares what was written in the letter or that the guy sent a message in a bottle. There are more things to worry about. Like where America will attack next for political gain.

Oh geez, your mindless typing is rubbing off on me. So sorry.

Another American....

9:28 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Bigglesworth needs to crawl back in his hole.

An American

9:31 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I sure would love for dumbass below to point out exactly what we have gained politically. Between idoits like him/her and the oil for blood (Check the gas pump prices)it is a wonder their brains have enough oxygen to even think!

10:18 pm


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